Cleansing the body of parasites: to get rid of the intruders

The number of parasites that surround the person, it is comparable with the viruses and bacteria. They enter the body through the mouth, the skin, the respiratory tract. Each year are detected close to a million cases of helminth infection. Often they are sick, due to their characteristics of hygiene in the conduct, and the failure of the protective properties. The purification of them, it is not a big problem. Let's talk about the most effective ways.

the parasites in the body

How to recognize them?

Objective the diagnosis of parasitic diseases difficult due to the imperfection of the laboratory methods. The analysis of the cala in the eggs of the worms is often negative, but this does not confirm the absence of infection. Therefore, it is important to know the signs by which they may suspect the yes of parasites:

  1. Common symptoms — malaise, weakness, loss of appetite, fatigue. Occur at the expense of poisoning by the products of the vital activity of helminths.
  2. The decrease of appetite and loss of weight. Sometimes the man, on the contrary, you feel the hunger.
  3. Gastrointestinal disorders: nausea, flatulence, diarrhea, change of constipation, mild pain in the belly. These symptoms are not constant. Often the person "cheated" of their errors in the power supply and do not have access to a doctor.
  4. The decrease of the immunity, which is manifested in frequent prostudnyh the diseases and exacerbations of chronic persistent infections. Are characteristic frequent rashes dermatitis herpes on the lips, that is a clear sign of the reduction of the resistance of the body.
  5. Allergic manifestations: rash type hives, dry cough at night, runny nose, and other. For the body of parasites are invasive alien agents, therefore, the immune system reacts to them the exclusion. Produced by antibodies can "confuse" the protein molecule of helminth proteins from food. Then an allergic reaction occurs.
  6. Disorders of the nervous system. The total of intoxication does not pass without leaving a trace for the nerve cells. The person becomes irritable, nervous, sleeps poorly.
  7. Hypovitaminosis: a stratification of the nails, brittle nails and hair loss, dryness of the skin. Helminths "Rob" human, feed on their nutrients.

All these symptoms are non-specific. It accompanies many diseases, therefore, the intestinal parasites often remain without attention.

Has recently received the dissemination of a preventive approach in the problem. Preventive cleaning is recommended to all the patients of risk groups: children, the hunters, the people who have pets or come in contact with them for the work.

To begin the purification?

The colonization of an organism parasite occurs in a day. Often, the human found several of its species. Violate the work of all organs and especially the liver, and the kidneys. The massive death of alien agents can lead to poisoning and execute the mechanisms of autoimmune reaction. This causes a serious harm to health and leads to intensive care. Therefore, it is important the right approach to cleaning.

Before you begin the destruction of helminths, it is necessary to create adverse conditions for the multiplication and life. For this week, begin to follow the diet:

  • we use products that by themselves are harmful parasites: pineapple, pomegranate, garlic, cabbage, pumpkin seeds, fruits, vegetables, fermented milk products;
  • exemption of all the dishes that are "feeding" the uninvited guests: meat, fish, milk, sweets, bread, baking;
  • we use a large amount of water;
  • fruits and vegetables to eat raw;
  • feed often in the small portions (fractional power).

There are two general approaches to the elimination of parasites in folk medicine. We will focus on the characteristics of each one.

pills parasites


The main problems of drug treatment consists in the diversity of species of parasites and the toxicity of most drugs.

The treatment is divided into three stages:

  1. High school — detoxification, the elimination of the deficit of vitamins and digestive enzymes.
  2. The release of helminths and parasites of specific treatment.
  3. The recovery of the second phase of detoxification to remove the decomposition products and the means of life, the recovery of the metabolism.

Important! Medicines should not be used without the consultation of a doctor.

Popular recipes

The Method Of Hilda Clark

The purification program effective for the release of not only helminths, but also of other parasites, bacteria, viruses. Use the green shell of walnuts, dry, wormwood and powdered clove.

The recipe of the tincture of the nuts:

  • peel 15 green nuts;
  • pour in the cup of alcohol or vodka (0.5 liters);
  • reserve in a month in a dark place.

We take for the scheme (fasting): in the first day of the droplet, dissolve in 100 ml of water and slowly drink it, and then each day we add one drop at a time, from the sixth day, the dose is 2 teaspoons of tincture. We accept all days throughout the year.

Wormwood grind into powder and drink it on the rise before the dinner: the first two days of half a tablespoon of coffee, then two days of a whole tea scoop, then 1.5 teaspoons And increase the dose every two days up to 3.5 teaspoons (at the end of the second week). Below, taken during the year in half a teaspoon of the night.

Powder of cloves in the morning before breakfast (1 dose corresponds to the volume of the pea): first day — 1 dose, the second day — 2 the dose, on the third day in 3 doses. With the tenth day of the carnation drink for the fixation of three times a week throughout the year (3 doses).

Bath the triad's no. 1

The method proposed by prof. Ivanchenko to. Y. especially for our latitudes, where nuts which grow in the south. It is also the purification of wormwood and clove with the addition of tansy ragwort.

In the recipe. Measure: tansy — 100 g of artemis — 30 g of clove — 50 g (all the ingredients previously turn into dust). Mix and mix.

The dosage. 1 dose is 1.75 g (you'll need to medical the balance. For the comfort of the weight of first dose and measure the amount (a teaspoon without slides).

As taking. On the first day of the drink 1 dose of the mixture in the morning half an hour before meals. On the second day we added the reception before the dinner. From the third to the seventh day — 3 times a day (before meals). In the future, in the maximum term of a year we take the tool of 1 dose once a week (prevention).

Bath of the triad # 2

Purification herbal by the same schema as the previous recipe. The tool is prepared by mixing powdered cumin seeds (1 part), powdered rhizomes of the choir (1 part) and to disperse the petals of marigold (part 2). Stored in a glass jar in the dark.

The purification of the clean wormwood

The herb is sold in any pharmacy. The scheme of reception: teaspoon 30 minutes before breakfast and dinner, in the period of 1 month. Then, for the prevention of once a week. For the "fight" with a bitter taste wormwood, the powder is poured inside the ball and swallowed whole.

the garlic against parasites

The garlic

The healing properties of garlic have been known to people long before the invention of antibiotics. With your help, from the time of chinggis khan battled against viruses, bacteria, fungi.

Today, there are 3 of the prescription of cleansing the body of parasites with the help of garlic:

  1. Fast

You will need a glass of purified garlic, that it is necessary to eat at once. On the eve in the evening, dinner not later 18 hours. At 10 in the evening we eat salted cucumber, or a bit of sauerkraut, and then the entire dose of garlic, cut into slices. Chewing is not necessary. Drinking brine or tomato juice. The next day, before dinner, we eat only pickles, drinking brine. The substance that stand out in the intestine, lethal to any type of parasites.

  1. Slow

Consists of real life contexts of the head of garlic, from small dimensions, gradually increasing their. Likewise swallow the pieces of garlic whole, a drink of brine, juice of plum, apple, tomato juice. The first effects are observed already through the week.

  1. Enema

Many people hard to eat a lot of garlic at once. One may then resort to the enema. Preparation of a solution: crush 2 cloves, in the enameled ware pour in the milk (0.5 l), add 2 tablespoons of tansy and boil 10 minutes. It has cooled the cooking filter through the gauze. In a procedure, is going to be 2 cups. Repeat every day for 1 week.

These methods are contraindicated in certain diseases of the stomach and of the intestine. During the procedure you can produce the bad smell of the skin, that with time will disappear.


It has long been known that the environment alkaline is useless for the life of the majority of the parasites. Enough with the introduction of soda solution with the help of enemas (in the majority of them live in the colon). Only in some defeats (for example, giardiasis), must "reach out" to the small intestine of the reception of the soda in the interior.

The treatment is performed in three stages:

  1. Colon cleanse with salt water (enema with a mug Esmarch). The volume of input water must not be less than a liter (best two), add 1-2 tablespoons of salt. Room temperature (22-24 °C). The filling of the intestine should be slow so that the procedure has run without pain.
  2. An enema with sodium bicarbonate. In boiled water (800 ml) add a tablespoon of bicarbonate of soda and is heated to a temperature of 37 to 40 °C. is Injected in the intestine with the help of the circles Esmarch, but retain the water for longer time (half an hour).
  3. The regular repetition of purification of enemas with salt water.

These procedures are performed in a period of 8-10 days (every day or pausing). The first enemas may be accompanied by minor sensations of pain.

The purification of caustic soda

There is a more comprehensive approach to cleansing the body of parasites of soda. It is proposed the creation of an alkaline environment, not only in the intestine, but also in the blood. Then they die as adults and larvae that feed on blood.

The essence of the methodology:

  • Cleaning of the colon pass through the same scheme: the treatment enema solution, saline, soda enema, the second sewage treatment plant enema.
  • On the first day: dissolve 0,2 teaspoons of baking soda in a glass of cooled boiled water and drink three times a day before meals.
  • Second-fourth day: increase dose of 0.1 teaspoons a day. The multiplicity of the reception of the guard.
  • Hereafter, we maintain a dose of sex teaspoon 3 times a day until the seventh day.

In addition to the alkalinization of the internal environment, soda has antiseptic and reduces inflammation of the intestinal mucosa caused by the worms.

Hydrogen peroxide

the purification of the body

Helminths can transfer the oxygen concentration of not more than 11 %. The hydrogen peroxide breaks down in the intestine into the water and the oxygen, which kills, not only roundworms, but are single-celled parasites. In addition, the tool purifies the intestines of toxins and waste.

The dose regimen for adult:

  • We took the mineral water, and the solution of a 3% hydrogen peroxide.
  • Day 1: within 1 drop dissolved in water (50 ml) half an hour before meals.
  • Each day we increased the dose of a drop, raising up to 10 drops per day 10.
  • A break of 3 days.
  • If a person does not feel discomfort, we repeat the course. We begin immediately with 10 drops 3 times a day. We make a break: 3 days to drink, 3 days rest, while the total duration of treatment is not reached in 21 days.

Reception of peroxide of hydrogen in the interior may cause adverse effects (diarrhea, nausea, skin rashes and others). In such cases, the treatment is to stop. Baking soda and peroxide is considered as one of the most effective methods to get rid of parasites, as well as create for them impossible to fulfill the conditions of existence.

The permanganate

The potassium permanganate is used as an antiseptic for many diseases. The parasites also die from this tool. Another effect is the stimulation of the peristalsis of the intestine, which creates the conditions for the deduction of the dead helminths, and their toxins.

The technology to safeguard the enemas standard with the use of cups Esmarch. It is important to dilute the medication correctly — a bit of pink. The higher concentration can cause burning and erosion of the mucosa. Before enemas, make sure that the crystals are completely dissolved. With the help of permanganate out not only malware of the inhabitants of the intestine, but it all accumulated in the organism of slags.


The undisputed leader of this group is castor oil. Not long ago, doctors prescribe medications castor oil in practically all of the diseases. It is a source of healthy fatty acids and anti-parasitic tool. The only " catch bad taste and odor.

We will tell you how to reduce this problem:

  • Mix with honey, maple syrup or pear nipple (to 3 dining room table spoons of oil, add a sweetener). Dissolve the whole in 50 ml of water and drink in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Pour in daily the castor oil in the enameled ware with a ratio of 1 ml on 1 kg of weight, put on fire. Prepare the juice of a lemon, or grapefruit to zapivaniya. If you quickly take a heater of castor oil and immediately drink the juice of citrus fruits, an unpleasant taste will not be as pronounced.
  • The recipe especially for the fight against parasites: by night, a light dinner of rice and oats, after 12 hours of the night — sweet green tea, after a few minutes, drink 50 ml of oil and we go to sleep. The effect of expected immediately after waking up. So you can follow some of the procedures followed.
  • Mix the kefir and bran of a spoon, and a teaspoon of castor oil. Drink in the evening (before taking best is not 6 hours).

Cleansing the body of parasites this way allows you to normalize digestion and lose a couple of kilos of excess weight.


It is important to remember that when you cleanse the body of parasites occurs an increase of the load on the system of allocation (liver, kidney) and immunity (the entry of toxins into the bloodstream). In some cases, the treatment in the home forbidden:

permanganate of potassium of parasites
  • pregnancy and breast-feeding;
  • serious common diseases: migrated myocardial infarction and stroke, congestive heart failure, decompensation of any chronic pathology;
  • oncology;
  • acute infectious diseases (influenza, acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, pneumonia, and other).
  • deviations in the work of the liver and of the kidneys;
  • the stomach ulcer, erosions, and ulcers in the mucosa of the intestine;
  • the bleeding (including menstruation in women).

The deterioration of well-being need to consult the doctor. Serious infestations cure in the hospital, going through drug detoxification and controlling the functions of all systems of the body.